From the Buckskin course I learned how to prepare the young Webelos and AOL scouts for the Troop. I was not in Scouts as a youth so did not know alot about the program. Going through Buckskin exposed me to that and really help me better prepare the den that I was leading.

Buckskin really open me up to stepping out a little more as I knew a few more people outside of our unit. Learning and getting ideas from other Scouters and Units is important to keep our programs fresh fun and exciting. Scouting is really a great family, I have met some fun and exciting people and have had a great time over the years continuing to learn from others!

I was only in Cubs as a youth and never transitioned to Scouts, mainly because my Pack didn't really do anything; it was boring. When my son decided he wanted to try out Cubs, I thought it might be just a five minute wonder type thing, but the Pack we joined was really fun and did loads of interesting stuff. I was an active parent, but didn't transition to the uniform-wearing side of things. When my son decided he wanted to join a Troop I thought it might be handy to get more involved, but had little experience of what to do and what this Scouting malarky was all about. Buckskin really gave me the confidence to get more involved and gave me the tools to allow keep the program interesting for our Scouts, including the basic skills that I can pass on to them.